
Write Less, Earn More

The Power of Mentorship

Hello Reader,

In today’s newsletter, we’re diving into a topic that can truly transform your career: mentorship.

But we’re not talking about just following industry experts on social media or reading their blog posts. We’re talking about real, personal connections that can shape your professional journey.

True mentorship, in this case, is about:

  • Getting in touch with someone who can guide you personally
  • Learning the business through their eyes
  • Gaining a clearer vision of what you need to do to succeed
  • Receiving personalized feedback and advice
  • Building a relationship that can open doors in your industry

My Mentorship Story

I want to share a personal story about mentorship that changed the course of my career.

In 2011-2013, I worked with someone I consider a mentor, though not in the traditional sense. He was the marketing manager of the company I worked for then. He was a hardass who demanded the best from everyone. But here’s the thing - he had every right to do so because he demanded the same from himself.

This manager set the example for the work ethic and expertise that everyone in the company aspired to. I worked directly with him on content projects for our clients, and yes, I had my share of scoldings when I didn’t meet expectations. But for the most part, he appreciated what I brought to the table.

Keep in mind, this was when I barely knew anything about SEO. But I was willing to learn and put in the hours to apply that knowledge. His belief in my work made me think, “If he thinks what I’m doing is good, maybe I can have a career in this industry.”

From there, the rest is history!

Key Takeaways from My Mentorship Experience

  1. Find Someone to Look Up To - Seek out someone who thrives and succeeds in your field. You want to learn from someone who’s achieved what you aspire to.
  2. Be a Sponge - Learn everything you can. Ask questions (there are no bad or stupid questions!). Do your own research too. Absorb knowledge from every interaction.
  3. Put in the Work - The only way you’ll truly learn is by putting everything into practice. That’s what I did, and I learned from both successes and failures by implementing what I learned.

Take Action Today

Do you have a mentor? If yes, take a moment right now to message them and thank them for the time they’ve spent training you. Their guidance is invaluable, and a little gratitude goes a long way.

If you don’t have a mentor yet, it’s time to find one! Look within your company, reach out to professionals you admire, or seek mentorship programs in your industry.

If you’re struggling to find the right mentor or just want to discuss your career path, I’m here to help! I’m offering quick consultation calls to help you navigate your professional journey.


Remember, the right mentor can provide clarity, motivation, and insights that can accelerate your career growth. Don’t hesitate to reach out and make that connection!

Until next time,

Keep writing,

Write Less, Earn More

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